Tell us about yourself:
My name is Chad Montano and I am from San Diego, CA. I have a full time job doing marketing and social media for MRM Nutrition. I have a passion for fitness, nutrition, cooking, and music! If I'm not working,you can find me at the beach, which I consider my second home. I have always loved the beach!
What got you to start a food blog?
I've always had a deep love for food, which led me to my foodie Instagram account where I decided to marry my passion for food and photography. My goal is to inspire others to be healthy and active.
What’s your philosophy when it comes to healthy living?
Living a healthy lifestyle is finding balance through proper nutrition and exercise. Your body is a machine and when you give it the right fuel you will run in an optimal state. Of course it's ok to enjoy a few drinks with friends or a big fat cheeseburger and fries, but it's all about moderation.
We’re all about delicious & clean eating: What are your favorite go-to recipes?
I enjoy making "balanced meals" which include protein, carbs, and fat. One of my favorites is just a bowl of Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, and gr8nola. One of the things I make a few times a week is toast with avocado, veggies, and a juicy egg! I will never stop having my smoothies either. These are a great way to add so many different nutrient dense foods such as protein powder, fruits, veggies, nut butters, and superfoods.
What makes you #hungryforgr8ness?
You must be good at what you do before you can be gr8! If I can inspire others through food, fitness, and photography then in my eyes I'm doing a gr8 job. Each day I feel like I continue to get better at my job and as an overall person. I hope that the fire inside me which drives me everyday continues to burn strong.
I'm always welcoming new fans to my feed! So please follow me on Instagram @briewilly