We love to honor our earth in our day-to-day clean lifestyle choices, but Earth Day is a great time to put forth an extra effort to honor our beautiful planet. We put together a list of eight fun, interactive and impactful ways to celebrate Mother Nature this Earth Day, from cleaning up your local parks, taking the time to volunteer, or making sustainable and eco-friendly purchases.
Check them out below, and as always, stay #hungryforgr8ness!
1. Organize A Park Or Beach Clean Up!
Gather your friends and family, and head to a local park or beach for a friendly communal clean-up. The effort is twice as nice with company, and everyone gets a breath of fresh air while spending time together doing something positive for our planet.
2. Plant Something
Whether you already have an entire organic garden in your backyard, or you are at the beginning phases of gaining a green thumb, the time is always ripe to plant something new! You can start small with a simple garden herb, or you can go all out and plant a tree – there is no gesture too small or too big to make an impact!
3. Shop At A Farmer’s Market
Support your local farmers while purchasing organic produce at your local farmer’s market. Don’t forget to bring your reusable eco-friendly shopping bags!
4. Donate To An Environmental Nonprofit
Plenty of nonprofit organizations make a conscious effort year-round to honor our earth. Donate your time, money or resources to an environmental nonprofit of your choice, and follow their progress in the future to see the impact that YOU participated in making!
5. Choose Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Products
Making eco-friendly choices does not only apply to food – you can choose to shop sustainable fashion, clean beauty products, and chemical-free cleaning supplies as well. It can be pretty hard to commit to a 100% sustainable lifestyle, but we suggest giving it a try in smaller portions – Maybe a full day once a week, or choosing to go clean with one product per day. Check out these clean lifestyle bloggers for inspo!
6. Commit To A Plant-Based Diet
A plant-based diet is not only a gr8 choice for your health, but it can also be agr8 choice for the health of Mother Nature too. Choosing plants can impact our environment in many ways, from cleaner air, water conservation and quality, and of course saving animals’ and plants’ habitats. We love this topic so much that we even wrote a blog about it! If you aren’t ready to commit to going fully plant-based, you can try a 75% plant-based diet to start, or you can choose to go plant-based once a week.
7. Visit A Local Park Or Nature Preserve/Go For A Walk!
Honor the Earth by celebrating her in all her glory! Visit a local park, nature preserve, or a National Park if you’re fortunate enough to live near one. Breathe in some fresh air, capture some photos, and celebrate Mother Nature and all the beauty that our planet has to offer.
8. Whip Up A Plant-Based Earth Day Treat!
A tasty clean-ingredient plant-based treat is a fun and delicious way to celebrate our planet while making clean lifestyle choices. We created these raw and vegan-friendly Blue Matcha Earth Day Bars to do just that! This recipe is free of dairy, soy, refined sugars and artificial sweeteners, and are made with butterfly pea flower powder and matcha green tea powder. Check out our Gr8 Eats & Recipes blog for more clean ingredient treats!