If you have opened any social media or news source in the past few weeks, you have read about the absolute necessity of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. While it’s important to educate yourself with how you can stay safe in this chaotic time, it can feel like you are constantly being bombarded with what you can’t do -- and losing a semblance of control can be really disorienting. We wanted to put a spin on things and share what you absolutely can do in this time, and how you can regain a sense of control in spite of the changes going on around you.
1. Time Block/Create a Routine.

When working from home becomes the norm, it can be really hard to adjust from your office life. While you totally deserve to sleep in, you may find yourself losing motivation when you can’t follow your normal routine. Set an alarm not only to wake up at your normal hour (and get dressed & ready! Sorry @pastself for crushing your work-in-your-PJs dreams) but also to take a lunch/workout break and a set EOD. This will separate #grindtime from housework or relaxation time, not just for your own sanity, but for the other members of your household to know when they can officially bother you again.
2. Try a New Workout.

Trying a new workout without any equipment or a fancy studio can either seem totally futile or really daunting -- but we’re here to tell you it’s both easy and effective. There are tons of apps out there, but a lot of them cost money or require equipment. That’s why we love the Fit On app, which is totally free and features workouts from HIIT to pilates to dance. All you need is a mat (or just a soft surface!) to get a full-body, killer workout in. The best part? There are so many different workouts on this app that you will constantly be finding new ways to move your body, even on your bedroom floor.
3. Read!

You have been meaning to pick up a book for pleasure since… like seventh grade? Now is your chance. If you don’t have books or a Kindle at home, check out Audible for some amazing audio reads, or see if your local library rents out audio books online! Here are some of our favorite books to stay motivated and learn about a healthy lifestyle from your bed.
4. Watch YouTube.

If you’re sick of binging Netflix shows, we recommend switching things up and heading to YouTube! Contrary to popular belief, YouTube actually has some awesome content that spans far beyond cat videos (not that those are out of the question). In particular, we love these YouTubers for their fantastic health and wellness content. Learn some great new recipes, hear some motivational content, or try a free workout/stretch routine (check out this one, which features just a chair)!
5. Meditate.

Part of a healthy life is a healthy mind. During times of crisis, it can be especially hard to find time to prioritize your mental health. Setting up a morning routine that starts with a short meditation can put you in a fresh headspace and remind you that it’s a new day. If you’re new to meditating, try out the app Headspace which guides you through meditation. Focusing on your breath and taking time for gratitude might just be the thing that keeps you positive.
6. Get Outside!

Even though you should be avoiding public spaces, there’s no harm in exploring the great outdoors! Use this time to find your local trail, take your dog on a (longer than usual) walk, or -- if you’re lucky enough to be in warm weather -- get a head start on your summer tan. Sunshine is an immediate mood booster and just getting a few minutes of fresh air will help you feel like you actually did something today.
7. Become a Cook.

While we love fresh ingredients, there are so many delicious and nutritious recipes you can whip up from totally non-perishable items. Now’s your chance to explore -- what can you do with just one can of black beans? Maybe get crafty with some oats - a super nutritious, cheap, shelf-stable staple! Or maybe even try out a new flavor of gr8nola and see how you can incorporate it into a recipe, like some of these! (Submit a gr8nola recipe to us and you’ll be featured on our IG :) )
Staying healthy at home may seem like a daunting task. When everything feels out of your control, it can be hard to motivate yourself to find a routine in the madness. We hope some of these ideas help you mentally, physically and emotionally get through this time. Stay safe and healthy, everyone. You’re doing gr8 :)